I started the blog just to see what it was going to be like, then things got busy...kids softball, eggs in the incubator, then hatchlings started. Could never seem to get ahead far enough to collect my thoughts beyond the normal ramblings that I put so many of you though.
The auction to benefit USARK is up and coming along
Had some interesting clutches so far this year, some bad to but it goes with the territory...
First ever twins for me happened this season, 9 egg clutch of het genetic stripes gave me 10 beautiful babies...
The leopard gene is turning out to be a really outstanding gene, strong to...4 egg clutch, 1 egg died a few weeks into incubation and one baby died shortly after pipping but the other 2 are outstanding...
I will try to keep this updated with something, even if it is stupid youtube videos people send me or funny stories of any thing...
Jeff, congrats on the twins. I cannot imagine how exciting that would be to see.